mandag den 19. marts 2012

Somethings brewing: Whats up in march and april

We're in for a busy period, so we wanted to give an overlook. 

Demo-recording and release
We're in for recording our demo. It will feature around six tracks, never and older stuff. The demo will be titled "Den Yderste Dag" and we'll release it ourselves. The price is not decided yet, but it will be cheap. We'll also do some patches etc. soon. The demo will be recorded this weekend (24-25th march), and we hope for a release in april.

We're in for four gigs in march and april, both here in Copenhagen, in Helsingør and a mini-tour i Jutland. Check the upcoming gigs here.

New material
Currently we're working on tons of new stuff. We'll present one of the new tracks this friday, and at least two new tracks at the Jutland minitour. Heavy stench-ish stuff with many harmonies, long c-parts and dark lyrics. We're looking forward to play 'em live for you!