mandag den 5. marts 2012

A lot of changes!

We’ve decided to change our name to SEPSIS, which is the medical word for blood poisoning. 

There’s a couple of reasons why, but most importantly, we didn’t think Den Yderste Dag fit our style of music, which has evovled quite a lot. Secondly we decided a non-danish name would make more sense, since we do all lyrics etc. in english, and lastly, we’ve gotten two new members that we wanted to have an influence in our name as well.

We hope you like the new name - we do - and will help us to spread the word.
While we’re in the middle of changing, we’d like to announce that we are changing our homepage to blogger. We guess you've already figured that out since you're here.

From now on we will only update this one, so check it out for posts!

For contact, now use:!

Se ya’ll at our gigs,